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Errrm, please send us some money.
(We are two students in full time education not expecting vast sums
of money for our endeavours. However, should you find yourself enjoying
Blob, please send us £5 in UK currency, or the equivalent in US dollars.
Thank you.)
When you register, you will recieve:-
-The satisfaction of helping us earn some cash.
-Lots more levels!
-A Level-Grabber, allowing you to add your own levels into Blob.
-The Blitz2 source code.
-Friendly, helpful support from the grateful authors.
You will also recieve any Blob updates produced, which may include
extra bonuses, features, power-ups and other general stuff (These are
more likely to appear if we actually get some support)
Please give us: Your name
[E-Mail Address]
£5 sterling, or US dollars, amount depending on
current exchange rates.
Your machine setup
Any other items you feel we may appreciate
(Spare Amiga's, Large hard drives,
PowerPC accelerators etc.)
(Dave needs a new monitor as well)
Regarding money: English cheques are fine.
English cash is fine.
US cash is fine.
When sending cash (notes only), stick the money inside something
so it can't be seen from outside the envelope.
Please make cheques payable to David Johnson
Our Address:
E-Mail: (This address replaces
Dave and Den Software
16 Wren Close
MK45 1NA
If you cannot afford or do not wish to pay £5, please contact us anyway
and tell us what you think of Blob. Please also report any bugs or
problems you may have.
* *
* *
Our other multi-player feast of fun is now available on the Aminet (and
maybe one of the CD's) at a mirror site near you. "Skirmish" is an 8-player
dogfight clone with heaps of playability, essential to any social gamer's
collection. Shoot your friends, perform daring feats of aerial acrobatics,
and cry when you lose. Don't miss out, download today!